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    NHRCES Kennywood Day
    NOW ENROLLING This is the perfect time to choose Catholic Education CLICK TO VIEW SCHEDULE /ourschools _self
    NOW ENROLLING This is the perfect time to choose Catholic Education SCHEDULE A PRIVATE TOUR /ourschools _self
    NOW ENROLLING This is the perfect time to choose Catholic Education SCHEDULE A PRIVATE TOUR /ourschools _self
    BFSA Principal Wins Penguins MVP Award
    NOW ENROLLING This is the perfect time to choose Catholic Education SCHEDULE A PRIVATE TOUR /ourschools _self
    NOW ENROLLING This is the perfect time to choose Catholic Education SCHEDULE A PRIVATE TOUR /ourschools _self
    NOW ENROLLING This is the perfect time to choose Catholic Education SCHEDULE A PRIVATE TOUR /ourschools _self
    NOW ENROLLING This is the perfect time to choose Catholic Education SCHEDULE A PRIVATE TOUR /ourschools _self